It was a tough spin
Yesterday I went for a spin around Connemara and it felt pretty tough.
Do you know that feeling when your legs muscles are burning so badly that every minute more under this pressure feels like it will never end?
Can you relate?
The cycle was 62 km long but felt so much longer and tougher because of the wind and hail.
Nothing makes it so much hard than trying to push against the wind. Legs are on fire and you are barely moving!
This is what makes you stronger that’s for sure.
After the cycle, besides the tiredness in my legs muscles, I had a feeling my body is so frozen too.
The hot shower was an immediate solution.
For muscle tiredness, I highly recommend applying either Magnesium Lotion or Comfrey Oil. The best is having them both and swapping with each other.
Today as a part of my recovery ( even though I am feeling already ok ) I am doing an hour of full-body Fascia Release Foam Rolling session followed by stretching inspired by Yoga Asana with the main concentration on my legs and back.
How do you like to recover?